The 46-year-old actress from Los Angeles, USA, earned the nickname of “The Pink Lady” because practically everything she owns is pink. Although she claims it isn’t weird, Kitten Kay admits she is drawn to pink like a magnet and can’t help surrounding herself with “any and everything pink”.
The Pink Lady claims to have worn only pink clothes for the last 25 years and to keep from getting bored with the color, she changes the shades and tries to approach different styles, like country, glamour, rock ‘n’ roll, etc. She even paints her 4-year-old Maltese dog, Kisses, using beetroot juice baths.
Kitten Kay Sera takes her obsession with pink to the extreme, going to funerals dressed from head to toe in the popular color and even dumping a guy because he was colorblind and couldn’t appreciate the beauty of pink.
But The Pink Lady says she’s happy with her life and loves it when complete strangers stop her on the street to give her their pink earrings and scarfs and fans send her pink stuff all the time.
Source: telegraph
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Kitten Kay Sera: The Pink Lady

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